關於導演:克里斯多夫波伊 Christoffer Boe
波伊畢業於丹麥國家電影學院(National Film School of Denmark),初試啼聲之作《愛情拼圖》,藉由絕美的愛情故事呈現命運和生命的本質,成功拿下坎城金攝影機獎後,橫掃芝加哥、西班牙等國際影展眾多獎項。
2006,波伊以《錄他媽的影》再一次驚豔國際影壇,片中探討當代社會中的自戀情結及錄像投射,先後奪得威尼斯影展青年影壇獎、北歐最具影響力的「北歐理事會電影獎」(Nordic Council Film Prize)、美國奇幻電影節最佳影片等殊榮,迅速地成為屹立丹麥及國際影壇的重量級導演。
孟斯吉爾斯特魯普 / 尼可拉斯布洛Nicolas Bro 飾
尼可拉斯出身哥本哈根的演藝世家, 1998年自丹麥戲劇與現代舞大學畢業(Danish National School of Theatre and Contemporary Dance),至今電影戲劇雙棲,以充滿感情及個人色彩的表演風格獨步國際影壇。他與導演克里斯多夫波伊合作多次, 2007年以《錄他媽的影》一舉奪下丹麥影壇最高榮譽波迪獎(Bodil Award)的最佳男演員。2011年出演史蒂芬史匹伯《戰馬》後,於2013年參與拉斯馮提爾的驚世大作《性愛成癮的女人》演出,收放自如的演技兼具了內斂和狂放的魅力,這次他出演崇尚自由的天才律師,精準掌控角色的偏執與歇斯底里的特點,多元的戲路更使他成為當今丹麥最炙手可熱的男演員。
The film gives an insight into two of the newer Denmark history's most strange and important people. The film is well described without being too corny or too boring. The actors play perfectly into their roles, so you do not pay attention to that it is not the persons in the movie. You will recognize many of the scenes and the lines from the danish tabloids of the time.
We were a small group that was in the cinema to see it, we were a group of different age and gender, and we amused, along with the rest of cinema.It is a clear glimpse worth, even if you are too young to have experienced Spies and Glistrup alive.